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Value Creation: Incremental or Disruptive Innovation and Change



Digital technology is now applied to almost every part of the profession, industry, or sector’s value chain. Managing digital transformation requires a multidimensional focus on operations, culture, people and innovation while executing effective change management strategies — that is, effectively moving from the current “as-is” state to a desired future.

While there are many factors to focus on, the most important is recognizing the early warning signals.

Disruptive change is challenging. There are many factors like strategy, process, value proposition, culture, people, and resources that shape your profession, industry, or sector during the transformation. Leading and managing it effectively will help you to overcome the challenge. Hear lessons learned from the boardroom to implementation drawn from research and case studies of associations advancing the journey of value creation.

Learning objectives:

  • Define innovation in association practice
  • Get insights into misconceptions that can send associations down the wrong path in their digital transformation journeys
  • Identify various approaches and conditions for success
  • Understand why bold strategic moves correlate highly with value creation
  • Identify the key metrics to measure success
  • Describe the processes needed to support innovation
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