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Secrets of Successful Change Management in the Era of Digital Transformation



​​In 2020 and 2021, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM), a scientific organization rooted in research, policies and standards, worked to develop a change management framework for several organization-wide initiatives. As the framework was developed, several areas emerged that required additional attention including:

  • Identify change management champions

  • Regular communication to broader set of key stakeholders

  • Develop framework to identify, evaluate, and make key change management decisions

  • Train on new way to work

  • Operationalize and drive adoption

Furthermore, NASEM identified a lack of attention, training, and resources for the change management aspects of a project—both during implementation as well as throughout the lifecycle—as major factors determining the eventual success or failure of their new initiative.

Using NASEM’s experience and insights, join us to discuss how to implement flexible change management frameworks centered on people and their relationship to the systems they are using.

Key takeaways include:


  • Identifying options to create a change management framework 

  • Learning how the change management process evolves throughout the project lifecycle

  • Defining key ground rules to support the change process

  • Focusing on organization goals and the people responsible for executing them vs. buying good technology and making it fit

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