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Putting Members in the Driver’s Seat



From Amazon to Netflix, Dollar Shave Club to Blue Apron, subscription models make it exceptionally easy for consumers to access nearly anything they may need or want – and have it delivered right to their front door (or digital device). These companies offer a positive and valuable experience that is incredibly convenient, highly personalized – and profitable. They are data-driven, listen to their members and provide recommendations based on behavior patterns. We explore subscription models and the implications for the association membership space.

Featured speakers:
  • AMY HAGER, CAE, IOM, Director AGC of America
  • CHRIS BEAMAN, Director of Advancement & Communications Kappa Delta Pi
  • MARICE FERNANDO, Manager, Knowledge Management & Member Engagement Exponent Philanthropy
  • MEGAN DENHARDT, CAE, President The Denhardt Group

This is a session from SURGE Co-Creation, which originally aired in May 2019.

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