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How to Disruption-Proof Your Association Advocacy



During the last 18 months, we have learned that the only thing constant is change itself. Yet, in the midst of such disruption, some organizations were able to see unprecedented success. The winners were the associations that were quick to adapt and come up with innovative solutions to meet their members’ needs.

Advocacy has never played a more important role – from Zoom calls with policymakers to grasstops and grassroots online training, associations found numerous ways to put their members in front of decision-makers to get their voices heard.  Join Sidecar in a panel conversation with moderator Danielle Duran Baron, David Lusk, Tommy Goodwin, and Oyango Snell as they discuss why and how advocacy has evolved in recent years, and what skills association pros need to have to ‘disruption-proof’ their association advocacy efforts.

You will learn how to proactively prepare for disruption, how to advocate through it, and how to share those skills with your membership.

By the end of this webinar, you will be able to:

  • Understand what disruptions have shaped how advocacy works today.
  • Identify and build the key skills your advocacy leaders need in today’s environment.
  • Describe how to reach your intended audience.
  • Develop a “disruption-proof” advocacy plan for your association.
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