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Blockchain for Associations: Separating Hype From Reality



The buzz is unmistakable. The next technological wave is beginning to crest and blockchain is leading the way. Advocates claim it will revolutionize trust on the internet and, counterintuitively, lead to more privacy for individuals. Detractors have concerns about misuse, security and what the overall socioeconomic impact may be of blockchain being deployed at scale. We talk about what blockchain is and how the technology works, discuss how it’s going to affect the association industry, and provide a roadmap for associations to use as they begin to help their members prepare for the impacts of this disruptive technology on their industries and professions.

Featured speakers:
  • ELIZABETH ENGEL, MA, CAE, CEO & Chief Strategist Spark Consulting
  • FENG HOU, Chief Information Officer Central New Mexico Community College
  • SHELLY ALCORN, CAE, Principal Alcorn Associates Management Consulting
  • TIM HAYNES, Founder Signal & Story

This is a session from SURGE Co-Creation, which originally aired in May 2019.

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