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10 Steps to Make Your Virtual Event Worth Watching



The move to virtual has been quick, with no real standards in place. Things are still clunky, like the first few dates with someone new. You think you like them, but don’t know whether or not you’re compatible, so you ask all sorts of awkward questions, or do all sorts of awkward activities trying to connect. Virtual events still feel that way, right?

But what if they didn’t have to? What if the opportunity for connection still exists, it just looks different because the way people connect *is* different and the way we engage has changed.

Let’s be clear: Anyone who says they’re an “expert” in how to execute virtual events is lying — full stop. It’s difficult to be an expert at something that is still so incredibly new. This session will unpack the new ways we’re all learning to create connection, and the new opportunities for engagement within every event- virtual, IRL, and hybrid alike. From new technology solutions to opportunities for real human moments we’ll discuss how to create true points of connection, raving fans, and ecstatic members.

  1. Discuss the ten steps to successful virtualized event engagement
  2. Unpack how to design YOUR (or your client’s) perfect virtual experience and how to build the partner team to make that vision a reality
  3. Let’s Build the M(inimum)V(iable)P(rogram)
  4. Discuss steps you can take and solutions you can use right now to add opportunities for virtual engagement into your existing events
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