SURGE Ignite

SURGE Connect: 2020

Sessions in this virtual conference

June 9

June 10

June 11

Day 1:  June 9

9 am – 10 am (CT)

1 CAE Credit

Purpose despite peril, with Conscious Capitalism CEO Alexander McCobin

We join Conscious Capitalism CEO Alexander McCobin for a keynote interview to discuss the entrepreneurial lessons that leaders of associations and other nonprofits can use to get through the uncertainty of the coronavirus pandemic. We discuss why now, more than ever, it’s necessary for a purpose-driven organization to stay true to the reason it exists and serve its core audience.


Alexander McCobin

10:15 am – 10:45 am (CT)

Half-hour CAE Credit

Redesigning leadership as co-directors: How 1+1 = 3

Associations North’s Angela Kisskeys and Sarah Ruzek have successfully co-led their organization for three years and counting, finding a way to prove that two heads really are better than one. We dive into a conversation with these two directors to find out if their success as a co-leadership team is an anomaly, or something we can all learn from.


Angela Kisskeys, Sarah Ruzek

11 am – 12 pm (CT)

1 CAE Credit

Fixing the 'broken rung' in the association industry

This panel discussion of association professionals gets kicked off with a brief presentation on details from a 2019 McKinsey and Co. and report, which identified the key issue in creating gender equality in organizational leadership as the fault of a missing “bottom rung” on the ladder into the C-suite. This session features three “big ideas” about how women and men in association management empower themselves and each other to create space at the table for all.


Amy Thomasson, Lauren Harley, Lisa Campo, Stephanie Kusibab

12:15 pm – 12:45 pm (CT)

Half-hour CAE Credit

Making connections through non-traditional mentorship

Mentorship does not always have to be top-down. Instead, we can find mentors in other industries, other cities, other age groups and even other career paths. This panel discussion of association professionals will talk about the relationships that implicitly and explicitly shape their thinking, what they’ve learned as mentors and mentees and how to mine your own experiences and connections for the lessons that’ll help you grow.


Emilio Arocho, Jean-Guy Talbot, Michael Tatonetti, Victoria Taylor

11:00 am – 11:25 am

25-minute break

Day 2:  June 9

9 am – 10 am (CT)

1 CAE Credit

Unlocking the keys to a 'Limitless Mind' with Jo Boaler

In this keynote conversation with author and Stanford education professor Dr. Jo Boaler, we hear the six keys to unlocking your own potential, all based on neuroplasticity research. Using neuroscience and education research, Boaler argues that just knowing you can change and grow is all it takes to start doing so, and she gives us know-how to make it happen.


Jo Boaler

10:15 am – 10:45 am (CT)

Half-hour CAE Credit

Find your association's biggest fans with David Meerman Scott

We revisit a December 2019 conversation with the bestselling author whose latest release, “Fanocracy: Turning Fans Into Customers and Customers Into Fans,” is all about how to create and capitalize on the people who most identify with your organization. Not sure this will work for your association? We’ll hear the story of how even a car insurance company has utilized fandom to create a thriving business.


David Meerman Scott

11 am – 12 pm (CT)

1 CAE Credit

How to keep members engaged in a virtual world

The fallout of the coronavirus means we can't simply rely on having members in for formal meetings, or even scheduling to grab coffee together for a one-on-one. The crisis launched many organizations into new, virtual environments — in some cases, before they wanted to — which often meant learning on the job and looking for new ways to engage members and audiences. Join this panel to discuss how to maintain member engagement when your only tools are virtual.


Craig Johns, Greg Hawks, Haley Correll

12:15 pm – 12:45 pm (CT)

Half-hour CAE Credit

The up-side of failure

We’re often taught that “failure is not an option,” but making mistakes is often when we learn the most about ourselves and the problems we’re trying to solve. Our panelists will share examples of things that maybe didn’t work out so well, what they learned and how it helped them grow. There’s no room in this conversation for ego: Come ready to learn.


Burt Blanchard, Jeff De Cagna, Marissa Bankert, Peggy McElgunn

11:00 am – 11:25 am

25-minute break

Day 3:  June 10

9 am – 10 am (CT)

1 CAE Credit

Cybersecurity for association leaders with Thomas Parenty

The international cybersecurity expert who co-authored "A Leader's Guide to Cybersecurity" for the Harvard Business Review Press explains how an association leader can — and should be — proactive about cybersecurity. It’s not something to just ship off to the IT department and consider handled. But don’t worry: One of Parenty’s biggest points is that you don’t have to be a computer whiz to understand how to be a better leader in cybersecurity.


Thomas Parenty

10:15 am – 10:45 am (CT)

Half-hour CAE Credit

Small step to smashing silos: Tips for success

Join Ray Arambula and Sheri Singer for a presentation about the ways in which you can break down the barriers within your association to create a more fluid — and efficient — working environment for everyone in it.


Ray Arambula, Sheri Singer

11 am – 12 pm (CT)

1 CAE Credit

Stronger together: Creating a community despite a time of crisis

When the coronavirus response meant gyms and fitness studios could no longer host daily workouts, their owners had to quickly refocus what their businesses offered. The answer lay at the core of what they do: Create community. We learn directly from four fitness owners and managers about how the communities they’ve built will survive despite the coronavirus, and why those connections are so important to membership.


Janae Holmes, Bradley Schneller, Kelly Boudreaux, Sarah Altobello

12:15 pm – 01:00 pm (CT)

Take it from me: Tools you can use

We’ll cap SURGE Connect with a lightning round of recommendations from association pros on the software, skills and suggestions they have to make their work lives a little easier.

11:00 am – 11:25 am

25-minute break

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