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Overcoming Hotel Contracting Challenges in a "Seller's" Market



Understanding and negotiating your hotel contract is an important step in the event planning process. During this process have you encountered one of these roadblocks or questions?

  • Have you had difficulty getting hotels to respond to your RFPs or inquiries?
  • Is your venue honoring Food and Beverage Commitments?
  • Do you wonder if your contract clauses will hold up in case of a conflict?

Expertly negotiating hotel contracts can directly impact savings for an association and help create the best experience possible for your members, which helps to make sure you drive up engagement and registration for every event.

Join Hotel Contracting expert Therese Jardine for tips to overcome these and other hotel contracting challenges. Therese keeps her finger on the pulse of the hotel industry and will share what hoteliers are saying about contracting in the current climate. They are overwhelmed with leads and are managing with fewer staff. How can you get their attention? And when you do, how can you make sure your event is delivered as expected? This webinar will offer thought-provoking tips and contract strategies to help you through the current environment.

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